About Hildi

Helping and healing others have been at the forefront of my entire adult life. For decades, I had and ran a very special retail store, filled with beautiful and unusual creative clothing, fair trade crafts, and a wide variety of handcrafted jewelry from all corners of the globe.

I loved having this store and I loved my customers. People would open up to me about their lives and their struggles, oftentimes people who I had never met before.

We would have beautiful heartfelt connections, during which I would offer help, when circumstances called for it, with their health issues and life problems.

I ran this shop while raising and becoming exceptionally close with my three amazing children, growing an organic garden to feed us, cooking our meals from scratch, and falling in love with nature.

Life was wonderful!
Then tragedy struck our family, not once, but twice.
I quickly plummeted, both in my spirit and in my health. I became bedridden with Lyme Disease and excruciating nerve pain, that I was told could never be healed. Crippled by this tragedy I needed to find a way back to health. After some time, I received a few glimmers of hope and realized as devasting as things were, they could be and needed to be good again.

I relied on my background of holistic healing, healthy eating, a positive attitude, my deep connection with nature, and the hope and determination that things would and had to get better.

Once again life is good. I love my life!

I no longer have my retail shop because I felt driven to do something more meaningful in life where I could help and reach even more people who are struggling and guide them to be healed in the same ways that I healed myself: by embracing life, making beneficial lifestyle changes, cultivating a positive attitude, eating healthy foods that mother nature intended to nourish and sustain us, and keeping the inner candle of hope and the will to get better burning bright within.

I created Hildi B Well because this TRULY IS my mission and my passion. I am a Certified Health Coach, trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the oldest, largest, and most respected health coaching school in the country.

The teaching approach of this prestigious school is that nourishment is not only the foods you eat but the harmony in all areas of your life.

Teachers are the most well-respected in their fields and include : Deepak Chopra,M.D., Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr.Mark Hyman, Dr. Walter Willett, Dr.Terry Wahls, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. William Davis, Ruben Naiman,PHD, Geneen Roth, Neil Bernard MD, Dr. Lesley James, Dr. Robin Berlin.